12 ft pair of thick speakers cables?? Can they be cut downt to a 6 ft pair??

I have a 12 foot pair of Harmonic Technology Pro-11 Plus speaker cables. Can they be cut down to a 6 ft pair and re-terminated with WBT banana jacks. The 12 foot pair is awkward and difficult to place, and WILL NOT stay put on "Porcelain  Cable Elevators"   

I  really like the cables and don't want to necessarily sell them  The "new"  Harmonic Technology company blew me off when I ask if they could do it??   Are there outside services companies that will do it for a reasonable price??. 

Thanks,  SJ


Showing 2 responses by shadorne

Cable reflection can be ignored at audio frequencies (very low) and at these short lengths. The wavelengths are so long compared to the physical dimensions that reflections can be considered instantaneous at both ends and do not alter the electrical signal delivered or the output of the amplifier in any way.

Reflection and consequently impedance matching becomes important for high frequencies like your cable TV or over great distances like power transmission lines.
Just a bunch of individual wires soldered together at each end to make two speaker wires from many. Anyone can do it with a few parts from RadioShack - heat shrink tubing, wire strippers and cutters, and a soldering iron.