$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George

Showing 50 responses by geoffkait

Nope, sorry, troll. There are reasons for exhorbitant prices for a toilet when the toilet is one Air Force One. The government doesn’t get charged high prices for all toilets, troll. We also see what happens when the government gives contracts to low bidders. You probably don’t see anything wrong with that.
Old news, I’m afraid. The real news is $40K speaker cables and $25K interconnects. And even that is old news.
The point is stevorino there’s a perfectly good reason for a super expensive toilet in certain cases. You know, just like there frequently is for cables. In the case of some government “ripoffs” there are no spare parts any longer so replacement parts must be made by hand.
Uh, no one is suggesting a thing that is say, 10 times more expensive than something else is 10 times better. A car, a watch, a TV, an amplifier, speakers, or cables. But I would suggest the curve of price vs performance does not flatten out nearly as quickly as some people say it does. You might have to pay 3 times more to get 2 x performance, that would not surprise me. It depends on many, many factors.
Hey, that’s chump change, pal. The Siltech Emperor Crown can be yours for $40,000.
Goodie for you, n80. I was in procurement and budget too, including a $3B procurement. I was talking specifically about super high-price items like the $100,000 toilet and $1K hammer someone mentioned, that’s alwaysed used as some sort of example to prove cables are a ripoff. Everybody knows the government pays too much for everything. Duh! Getting back to the subject if someone doesn’t like the cost of some high end cables buy used or buy within your budget. It’s not rocket science. 🚀

@geoffkait said:

"It’s not rocket science."

You got that right. But there is money to be made in convincing people that it is, right Geoff?

>>>>Only if you say so, Bubba. The devil’s greatest trick was convincing people he didn’t exist.
OK, let’s see, who’s making more money, the dude selling 10 speaker cables @ $10K per pair or the dude selling 100 speaker cables at only $200 per pair? Oh, wait! Crap, I see what you mean!
Cheap audio gear is the new heroin for the poor, the downcast, and those who’ve given up. 😀
Actually I’m all for blind testing. I just think blind tests don’t necessarily mean anything. Nothing too heavy. And people think they’re SO scientific. Give me a break. Who are these people, English majors? Drug industry Mavericks? They think they’re SO skeptical. But hey, knock yourself out if blind tests turn you on. There’s something for every taste. For martinitime51 that taste happens to be 🐈💩 💩
What PT Barnum said that’s relevant here is, people would generally be much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little. 
n80, no offense but judging by *your words* I know quite a bit more about the subject of testing than you do. I was the Govt witness for Final Test of a 2 Billion Dollar communications system, among many other things. Anyway, the point is negative results of a single test mean nothing since so many things can go wrong beyind the control of the tester, even a very thorough tester. In other words there is no such thing as a properly designed test. You may think you know something but you don’t. Capish?
glubson, all I can think of is it must be one of those newbies sticking together things. Peas 🤢 and carrots. 🥕

addendum: Regardng your last post are on acid right now?
Uh, glubson, I’m not going to hurt n80. You worry too much. We’re just having a difference of opinion, that’s all. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there, glubby? He is rather snooty, if you want my opinion. Newbies should never be snooty. But your defense of him is kind of cute.
That’s so funny! 😃 You think he’s serious? You actually believe anyone buys cables that cost $10k? Wow! Boy, are you gullible! You need to learn how to recognize a troll thread when you see one.
My speakers cost $14.850. My speaker cables (Kimber 8TC) cost $125, plus the cost of the WBT ends, (which are practically forever reuseable)                                      
Like Power cords, on this front I am cheap.                        
I have zero whine about expensive anything.

>>>Zero whine but not zero wine 🍷. Bottoms up!
I imagine you would have to compare some other high end cable with Cardas in your system to determine if you might be overlooking some other cable. It’s kind of a catch 22. My old boss at NASA told me never get behind anyone 100%. 
Whoa! What? Hey, did someone call for a troll convention?

“Build it and they will come.”
I love when Ethan Winer starts off by saying, engineers will tell you...blah blah blah. It’s funny because Ethan Winer isn’t an engineer. Get it? I kind of doubt that’s his voice if you want my honest opinion. Sounds like a robot. Well, maybe it is his voice, how do I know?
What the world needs is a better mouse 🐁 trap. Build a better mouse 🐁 trap and they will beat a path to your door. The sales of aftermarket premium fuses has not slowed down, it has not tapered off, or stopped. It has accelerated. That’s why the total of fancy fuses is at currently at least 80,000, and accelerating. The great majority of which are HiFi Tuning and Synergistic Research fuses, but a tip of the hat 🎩 to Audio Magic Beeswax 🐝 and Isoclean, you know, the one for fuse paranoids who worry about UL listing.
I beg to differ. Alcohol is kind of mandatory for pilots, you know, what with the long excruciatingly boring flights. 👨🏻‍✈️🚎 🍻 cheers!
I was quite alarmed to learn glubson shaved all his body hair. Is he going all medieval on us?

I live with a PhD economist too, a Harvard PhD. They don’t seem to understand that there is no Law of Diminishing Returns in high end audio. You see, when you can potentially double the performance of an audio system just by reversing the fuse or changing power cords the whole concept of diminishing returns goes out the window.
I recently had some work done. I had my stomach let out. I told my doctor I was tired of looking like a male model and wanted to look like an average person. Now I’m thinking of maybe having some hair removed, too.

Geoffkait: I live with a PhD economist too, a Harvard PhD. They don’t seem to understand that there is no Law of Diminishing Returns in high end audio. You see, when you can potentially double the performance of an audio system just by reversing the fuse or changing power cords the whole concept of diminishing returns goes out the window.

What about the concept of waisting your time?

>>>>>I’m pretty sure your auto spell checker is malfunctioning.
I would ordinarily be in favor of an emoji ban but only on condition of replacing emojis with the capability of directly posting images like photos and graphics, as opposed to links to images as currently provided. Otherwise, I’m totally down for emoji wars. But can we at least make some attempt to keep them clean? People! 😛 I’m hopeful of updating my new iPad OS very soon so’s I can take advantage of the new emoji offerings. Be vigilant.
I guess they must be waaay behind the times down under 🔝 since $10k speaker cables (??????????? added for emphasis) are kind of old hat 🎩 and not that outrageous any more. Maybe they were ten years ago, or twenty years ago. You know, what with $40k speaker cables and even $30k internal speaker wiring options these days. We did have a millennium change, you know. So, if you want to troll the High Enders at least use a price that will actually cause an eyebrow to be raised. 😲
People would generally be much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little. - PT Barnum

You can’t cheat an honest man. Never smarten up a chump and never give a sucker an even break. - WC Fields

The noblest art is making others happy. - PT Barnum
My take on this whole thread, when you cut all the fluff off the bird, is that Australia is simply a microcosm of the rest of the audio world, as backsliding and trollish as the day is long. 🦘🦘🦘
It all comes down to what you’re trying to achieve and what you can be happy 🤗 with - all things considered - including SR, your expendable resources and how much you have put into the game. I have a nagging suspicion, and trust me, I know a lot of audiophiles, many folks get a little carried away with the whole thing. Chasing the dragon. 🦎 Consumed by the fires of Ork. 😃 Geez, try to keep a little perspective. People! As Groucho Marx quipped when his guest told him she had eight children, I like my cigar but I take it out once in a while.
Let’s use the new math, shall we? You know what I’m talking about. 90,000/2. Glubson, the answer is.....?

It’s a fluid situation on the ground, folks. And you have got to develop situational awareness and awareness of transitional spaces. You have to be able to crunch the numbers!
+ 1. Folks have been whining about the exorbitant prices ever since the 60s and 70s. I complained rather vociferously myself on occasion. But not once did I try to emulate Fabio. A man’s got to know his limitations.
Garden & Gun? Are they crazy? What’s next, Field & Stream & AK-47? Home & Design & Semi-auto? Country Living & Bump Stock?
What extreme claims of cable manufacturers? Give me a break! This is all made up stuff by sun crazed pseudo skeptics. Shut the cave door and back to pigmy country!

When a company doesn’t promote its product something terrible happens. Nothing.
What are you talking about? I asked if anyone has any examples of extreme claims that cable companies make. All I got from you is a lot of who shot John. You’re talking through your hat. 
Huh? Everyone advertises. If you don’t advertise something horrible happens. Nothing. Follow? If someone says our cables are the most accurate most musical cables in the world that’s called puffing. Get over it.

Riddle me this, Mr. Smarty Pants, so how come the Monoprice Cable sounds like crap, you know, relative to the Nordost? But if you like it, hey, that’s what counts. Most likely you never heard either one.

I imagine you probably think cheap Monoprice HDMI cables sound just as good as high end HDMI cables, right? Besides, that’s not an example of an extreme claim by a cable manufacturer. In fact, that “example” just describes the product. It’s actually just a description, not a claim. Hel-loo! Better luck next time. Shut the cave door and back to pigmy country!
Steve, you must have been in school too long. And why are you repeating yourself? You seem a little bit detached from reality on quite a few posts. Do you ever feel like a test tube baby?