$1000 should be spent for a NOS DAC or a turntable?

I have a budget of $1000. I am looking for an organic, honest and neutral source.  Should I spend money on a NOS DAC or a turntable?

The music I listen to is vocal, jazz, classical.

Thank you!

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Thank you all for your valuable input. I was not aware turntable route demands money and time.

I will go for a DAC then, when my budget allows more I will go for a decent turntable with matching accessories.

My current system is Quad 909/99, Devore Nines. As for DAC, there are some candidates I found so far:
-Schiit Yggy (easy to find a used one in market)
-Audial Model S (more rare, not popular)
-Metrum Acoustics Menuet (not as rare as the Audial but still difficult to find one)

The used ones cost about $1500. I can stretch a little bit to avoid future update (hopefully).


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It sounds like you have it sorted, but at that budget I'd say a DAC, no question. You can get the non-SE, coax-only Border Patrol for just under your budget and have a very, very musical DAC. Might not be the best measuring, but whatever.

I just recently got back into CDs (not a streaming guy) from a turntable and while I still use both, you cannot argue the sound quality of a good transport, good dac, and very, very cheap media. If you can or want to stream music, then that's even more reason. 
OP, don’t invest in an LP playback system if you don’t have a record collection.