10 sonically best rock recordings ?

In your opinion what are the 10 sonically best rock recordings ?

Showing 3 responses by curbach

Several people mentioned Dire Straits (pretty much the entire catalog), but no one specified the original cd releases or the new remasters.

Has anyone heard the new remasters? Is there a significant improvement (worth replacing all my original versions)?

Related question: why has the entirety of the "Twisting By The Pool" ep never made it to cd?
Thanks for the Dire Straits info, Phasecorrect.

Hey Slipknot--

Which version of "Manassas" are you referring to? I have heard the original cd issue and the HDCD reissue (although not played back in HDCD) and neither one overwhelmed me sonically. (But to be fair, I have never really given this album the "critical listening" treatment.)

The music is top notch, though. To anyone who has not heard this lost masterpiece, it is a powerful reminder that at one time Stephen Stills really did have talent to burn.
Well, Slipknot, I was being polite in my previous post. Since you were talking about the vinyl, I'll go ahead and bluntly say the cd doesn't sound so hot :-) I guess we agree on that. I've never heard "Manassas" on vinyl and no longer have a turntable. Too bad for me.