10 db or 20 db attenuator?

I hooked up a Transporter direct to an Ayre amp and getting too much signal at the low end of the dial.  I've got this in the bedroom so want to be able to play low volume.  It looks like an attenuation device might do the trick.  Was thinking of trying a balanced rothwell, and I can get either -10dB or -20dB.  Would like to buy correctly the first time.  Would anyone happen to know given the pieces above which version might work best for me?  Thanks

Showing 1 response by janehamble

I also tried the Harrison Attenuators recently.  Bought 2 sets of the 10 db versions so that I could try them in line and get 20 db attenuation, as well as 10 db.

The sound quality with 10 db was slightly smeared, but some might say bearable.  With the 20 db set up the sound quality was terribly muffled - like listening with a cushion in front of the speakers.

The little Schiit device sounds interesting