1 pair of good interconnects- which 2 components should I use them on?

Hi all,
I just picked up a set of 3' BlueJean LC-1 interconnects, which are much nicer than the others I currently have. Im wondering if they would be most valuable used between the phono preamp (Cambridge Azur 551p)---->tube Preamp (Cary AE-3) or should they be used to go from the Cary preamp---->McIntosh 2125 amp?

maybe this is a stupid question, but 2 fundamental things I know are that interconnects matter in the acoustic output, and also the signal output from a Cambridge phono stage vs Cary tube preamp are not the same. So with those things in mind I figured placing the interconnects in one spot vs. the other would matter based on the different output signals of each device.

I could listen to both configurations for a while and eventually gauge if I hear any difference (which probably won't be the case), but I wanted to see if there is a "right answer" first :) 

thanks for any feedback!

Showing 1 response by almarg

There is no right answer that can be predicted with any kind of certainty, as there are a great many unpredictable component, cable, system, room, and listener-dependent variables involved. And in addition, a "better" cable will not necessarily provide "better" performance in a given application, from both technical and subjective standpoints.

FWIW, though, my guess is that connecting the LC-1 between the Cary and the amp is more likely than not to result in at least slightly better high frequency extension than connecting it between the phono stage and the Cary. And the greater the length of the other cable, the greater the likelihood that will be the case. (I see that the LC-1’s are three feet long, but there was no mention of the length of the other cables).

The reason I say that is that as a tube-based product the Cary probably has significantly higher output impedance than the solid state phono stage. (I couldn’t find an output impedance spec for the phono stage; the spec for the Cary appears to be 560 ohms, at least in the Mk2 version). The interaction of high output impedance with high cable capacitance (which is proportional to the length of the cable as well as to its capacitance per unit length) can adversely affect high frequency extension, at least slightly. And the LC-1 has exceptionally low capacitance per unit length.

Of course, greater high frequency extension may not always be subjectively preferable, even if it represents greater overall accuracy of the system.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al