Lotuss4: A Lamborghini may be absurd by some standards and by some people's estimation. However, I will put the care, the quality of manufacture, the complexity, even the reputation of the Lamborghini against this speaker (and associated amps etc.)and I am sure this Kharma product does not come close. Even so, the Lamborghini is not $1,000,000! I am sorry to be so close minded on this one, but this is a cynical attempt by an audio manufacturer to create value by advertising and promotion rather than building it into the product and charging an appropriate amount for it. I understand what you are saying, Lotuss4, that one man's cup of tea is another one's ... , but if we stretch that concept so far, we lose our basis for evaluation of anything and everything, and thus our ability to even express our sense of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with everything. I don't want to live in a world where I can't say more than "I don't like it" or ".. given the price/performance, it is not my cup of tea." Given the sarcastic responses to this thread, I think a lot of people would agree with me.