Phild, I second the Audible Illusions suggestion.
$1,500 to spend on a tubed full function pre
I was wondering if it is possible to get a full function tubed pre for $1,500 or less on the used market. I am looking for the pre to be as neutral as possible, but if it must go in either direction, a little to the warm side. I need the phono section to be better than my current phono stage (EAR 834p).
My current system consists of the following gear:
Silverline Sonata II speakers
Kora Cosmos Reference Monoblocks
EAR 834P w/ NOS Mullards or RCA 5751's
Linn LP12/Valhalla/Ittok/Glider
Theta Miles Balanced
Coincident Speaker, IC, and Power cords
My current system consists of the following gear:
Silverline Sonata II speakers
Kora Cosmos Reference Monoblocks
EAR 834P w/ NOS Mullards or RCA 5751's
Linn LP12/Valhalla/Ittok/Glider
Theta Miles Balanced
Coincident Speaker, IC, and Power cords