
Responses from zygat

Center Channel Dialogue
I have a pair of Von Schweikert VR4 Jr's bi-amped (used a Y splitter) and have never experienced better center channel performance or dialog clarity. I know this is a contrarian position - but the results I experienced are ample proof for me.  
Right way to connect a 2nd “extension” center channel speaker?
I use a Y splitter and bi-amp a pair to Von Schweikert VR4 Jr's. Absolutely perfect performance! I have none of the noted problems dual center channels are supposed to have.  
Magnetar UDP900 vs Oppo 205
I have not done a direct comparison, but I do own the Magnetar UDP900. It is a great unit for both video and audio. I owned other Oppo units and believe the audio to be much better than the Oppo's I have owned.  
Power conditioner or not?
I recently had a highly reviewed power conditioner in my system. I heard a constant boinging (odd word I know - but descriptive) sound constantly and quite audible hum all the time. Decided to make my own power distribution unit with high quality ... 
Tonearm Nightmare
The turntable is perfectly level. The AS weight has been removed and the lever rotated away from the arm. The arm has been rewired with Cardas and has a lot of slack hanging out the back. When working to align the cartridge, I did have to rotate i... 
ADVICE Please: Best Processor under $3K?
I would recommend that you listen to a Meridian 568. I have owned some of the other processors in your list and to my ears, the Meridian is just far superior in sound quality. 
Von Schweikert VR4-Jr: Urgent Opinions Needed
I own the VR4jr's and can report that they are extremely good for the price. They are fast, clear, and exceptional on vocals. Great bass for the size as well. You should be able to find a pair for under $3K lightly used (I bought a new pair for un... 
What's good used 5.1pre/pro for $1500 or less
Find yourself a Meridian processor and you will never regret the purchase. I have found none to be more musical and the home theatre performance is outstanding. 
Help ..Meridian owners........
The MSR is not a learning remote. Your best bet is to purchase a universal model (i.e. Pronto or Home Theatre Master) and program the Meridian codes into it. I have an all Meridian system and love the system but hate the remote. I use a Home Theat... 
Component Video Cables Terminated with BNC?
You may also wish to check out Markertek - they are a pro audio-video supplier and have every conceivable cable and connector. I purchased BNC video cables from them as well as adapters and the quality is excellent and prices very reasonable. 
Need Recomm. on Video Breakout Cable Please?
You might also try Markertek. They are a large pro audio video outfit with tons of great cables for reasonable prices. I bought my video cables from them and am very happy with the quality (and the price).