Responses from zbiener
Zu Audio Union 6 Supreme Thanks, @karl_desch. Definitely, if I keep the U6S, I will try a zrock. From all that I *know* (as opposed to *heard*), that should be a nice combo. Sadly, the only amp I can swap in a 6wpc Reisong, EL34 based (but w/ upgraded tubes). The bass doe... | |
Zu Audio Union 6 Supreme Thanks! I will definitely give these some time to develop and call Zu. They are wired properly. The issue with proper amplification is a tough one. If it wasn't for the fact that the DWs do bass quite well with the same amp, I'd blame it all on th... | |
Zu Audio Union 6 Supreme I received my Union 6 Supreme two days ago. The staging the mid-top end are fantastic, but I find the bass response very lacking and thin, almost hard to hear in some contexts. I’m coming from a Dirty Weekend Omen 2 that had quite a nice ’thump’ t... | |
A warm DAC? Just to jump on this. Does anyone have opinions on the Wavelength Proton (an older, supposedly "warm" sounding DAC) stacks against contemporary DACS? It is far more limited in decoding option, but at least a few years ago, some people still report... | |
Tube replacement for Peachtree Decco65 Hey ijarrio, did you ever try different tubes? did you hear a difference? |