
Responses from woifi73

Sonus Faber Guarneri vs Guarneri Memento
following this discussion for some time now i have the following comment to make: i own gm's and have experimented with various amplification tube as well as solid state. i am getting wonderful results with the asr emitter exclusive- gm combinatio... 
battery-based SS amps
i have the emitter 1 exclusive battery, driving sonus faber guarneri memento's augmented below 40 hz by a rel b3 subwoofer. the sound is unbelievable. voices natural, strings are sweet. when playing well recorded church and organ music, i am there... 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
thanks jamesgarvin. i have tried everything, even different rooms. shooting them straight out is helping a bit. reading up in the maple shade catalogue, i have tilted them back much more, helped also a little.the only action that make them really ... 
Musical Fidelity KW500 and speaker match
my kw500 is driving sonus faber guarner mementos' via spelz cables. beautiful smooth sound. well defined and powerful bass. nu subwoofer required. 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
thanks dopogue, i will send them to gallo and have the tweeters checked. 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
i have been playing to get the ref3's to sound good for 4 years now. (stands, tweeks..). i am throwing the towel. i listen to classical music and chamber music. while imaging very well, the sound is tinny and etched. the reviewers praising the 3's... 
Sonus Faber Guarneri with SET amplifier -possible?
i power the guarneri memento's either with a mf kw500 or a vtl 5,5 preamp and quicksilver v4 combination. the quicksilvers deliver 120 watts only but are by far superior to the kw,s. the quicksilvers are elevated to a higher performance level with... 
quicksilver v4 monoblocks
wonderful, natural sounding amplifiers. i was at first worried that they would not be able o drive my sonus faber guarneri memento's, but no problem there. preamplification is a vtl 5.5. i am very happy with this combination. it is so much better ...