
Responses from wm2001

Transparent Interconnect Question....
KMILLER5-I recently answered a very similar question via A-B audition, as follows:All Audio Research Equipment with true balanced circuitry--AR DAC 2, AR Pre-Amp, AR Amp. Kept a Transparent Reference MM running from the Amp to the Speakers, and Tr... 
Anyone have an opinion on Audio Research DAC-2 ?
After 3 weeks of intense listening and coupling of the ARC DAC-2 with my Wadia 270 transport, I have to say--I like this DAC, alot! Diana Krall sounds like she's there in my living room with her bass player--and the bass sounds rich but not bloate... 
Wadia 27ix Clock Synch w/ Transport-good thing?
JBrockmo, thank you very much for your expertise. The ARC2 DAC and Wadia 270 are "grooving" now that I have tweaked a few other things, including adding Transparent power cords and ganymede isolation footers to the amp.One thing that perplexes us:... 
Wadia 27ix Clock Synch w/ Transport-good thing?
Jbrockmo has anticipated my next question and that is: does the 270 clock synch with DACs other than the Wadia. It seems the Wadia requires a ST glass connection for the clock synch and it uses a 16.9344 MHz clock while most others use the Coax co... 
Wadia 27ix Clock Synch w/ Transport-good thing?
Thank you Mejames. I see from your system pics that you have some sort of vibration reduction system under your 861. Given the weight of the 861 and the 270, does the Riggle improve the sound a lot? 20%; 50%; 100%? 
Anyone have an opinion on Audio Research DAC-2 ?
I have the DAC2 and it is a real pleasure to listen to. I've tried it with three different transports: Sony CD Player, XA7; Linn Ikemi CD Plahyer and Wadia transport. It sounds great with all three--a testament to its neutrality and transparency. ...