
Responses from wksesq

Need troubleshooting help go easy on me... Newbie
------------------------------Thanks to all who provided suggestions. I borrowed a Cary SLP 98P tube preamp (with phone stage), and started spinning. Beautiful. I did not use the EAR 834P as a phono stage --- instead, used the Cary. I'll be sendin... 
Need troubleshooting help go easy on me... Newbie
First, I switched the phono interconnects (l/r) into the EAR... the right channel domination still existed. I switched them back, and then switched the input speaker cables (into the Bryston), and the one channel domination went from right channel... 
Need troubleshooting help go easy on me... Newbie
Thanks. I have the 834P w/ volume control (both MM & MC) running directly to the amp.