
Responses from wind_music

Good amp for Tekton lore s speakers?
I have a pair of Lore S speakers and run them with a new Jolida JD502CRC. I felt this amp was a great value. I feel they match well together. It took a long time to break in but was worth the wait. I also thought the Decware amps would be a good c... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
The Lore-S at higher volumes I would describe as composed. They do not seem to change that much just louder. You feel the dynamics more but the details and tone were the same. 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
GreetingsThank you to all who have contributed to this thread. I have the Lore-S speakers for 2 months now and am very satisfied. I came to a choice Zu vs Tekton Omen vs Lore. The debate lead me hear. Both similar but the Lore was a better value a...