Responses from wibruin
Help Me Improve My Turntable Set-Up I might just do that. Thanks.Solypsa - I do have a Bluesound Node 2i and I am totally satisfied with the sound. | |
Help Me Improve My Turntable Set-Up crn3371 - Its 17x16 and the cartridge is ortofon om10.grk - Interesting! | |
Help Me Improve My Turntable Set-Up Thanks everyone. I do have a good set up. The Harbeths are on stands that bring them to ear level. They are set away from the corners. My chair is centered between the two speakers. The speakers are pointed at the listening position.I do agre... | |
Help Me Improve My Turntable Set-Up Duh! Forgot something important. The turntable is Project-Essential |