
Responses from wchewett

Hum coming from my Jolida Glass FX tube DAC
It could certainly be the tubes. 12AX7's are relatively cheap. Hopefully by now you have checked this out. Are you still having the problem? 
Jolida FX Tube DAC
So getting to the tube rolling - here is what I have swapped/listened to so far: 10 year old JJ ECC83's; Groove Tube 12-AX7M Mullard reissues also from about 10 years ago (these were great tubes - don't think you can get them anymore); Telefunken ... 
Jolida FX Tube DAC
I have had a Jolida Glass FX DAC for about 3 weeks now. I used to have a Musical Fidelity V-DAC which I used to connect my computer and TV to my Antique Sound Lab AQ-1003DT EL34 based tube amp. I live at the low end of hi-fi but it is what I can a...