
Responses from wannastereo

HEGEL H80 volume question
That was UMPH to mmph 
HEGEL H80 volume question
Your killing me now. Can it be some sort of input volume?To be clear does the volume wander or is it that it only has enough mph at certain volume levels?Can I ask what were you inputting into the amp? or how? 
HEGEL H80 volume question
Ok thanks!! I just wanted to be assured it wasn't a design issue. Every mfg has a bad one and are to be judged how they handle the problem vs the problem itself. 
I need help getting this all to work?
I appreciate all the help as honestly I just can't believe how things have changes in 10 years. When reading through forums you need a guide to know all the abbreviations and another to figure out what the heck all these products are.I agree with ... 
Why can't audio Co's give consumers what they want, audiophile sound with easy all in one component??I think they are so concerned with the speaker aspect that they are missing a huge market which Bose confirms on a daily basis.Easy set up and a r...