
Responses from vishla

Sonic Frontiers Line 3 pcX upgrade
The SE+ upgrade seems quite intriguing yet the price of it is rather off putting to me. I purchased my Line 3 new and have never had any additions or changes made to the piece. I am wondering if simply replacing all of the tubes would be a viable ... 
Sonic Frontiers Line 3 pcX upgrade
I wonder if Chris is overcharging for the upgrade. Does he have any competitors? 
Sonic Frontiers Line 3 Mod by Parts Connection?
I too am considering the SF line 3 mod by PCX. However, as I look at the price list for the parts, I wonder if Chris is charging too much for the caps ($599). Anyone have an opinion? 
Preamp hissing detectable at low volume?
Great! Thanks Viridian. I'll give Jim a call on Monday. I appreciate everyone who took the time to help point me in the right direction on my tubular journey. Best wishes. 
Preamp hissing detectable at low volume?
Thank you all so much for your responses! This rushing sound is audible from my listening position during idle, and it is evident to me during quiet passages. And thanks for your thoughtful instructions Viridian. I am a little nervous about messin... 
Krell 3250e vs Classe CA-2300 vs Levinson 532H
Oh my God! I thought I was the only one. I am so pissed at Krell!! I have never seen such piss poor customer service for such a high ticket product. They are a$$ holes. I have been a fan for so long. The a$$ wipe in their repair department (Patric...