
Responses from vinyldoes4d01

ikeda mc-transformer
Forget your common sense BS and try opening your ears. Step ups are way better than active gain stages by a wide margin. Cartridges love transformers inductive load. 
Looking for an outstanding DAC
Harmonix Reimyo DAP-777 If you love music this is the one. Hands down the best I've heard at any price. 
Combak - Bravo
Totem Arro??? I think it's time to narrow down your search.... the Arro doesn't work near a wall... it's a typical ported design. Most speakers need to be away from the wall.Just go for the Bravo... then you can listen to music and sleep at night.... 
Closed box, Port-less speakers
What happend to the Bravo? Ref 3A's are very good but little thin compared to the Bravo... Totem Model 1's have been around for awhile.. haven't heard them in a looong time. The Opera's are beautiful for sure... Sonus Faber... nahhh too colored.Cl... 
Combak - Bravo
For near wall placement I can't think of anything else that works well.... for off the wall placement and staying in the small size format I like the Opera Callas. Both of these are really natural sounding. 
Combak - Bravo
It's about sound... if you want cheap go for Polk or something. Getting the most from audio is a expensive trip... worth 2K? To me sonically it's far superior... you need to decide if they are worth the asking price. I persoanally think they are b... 
Combak - Bravo
They don't sound alike at all. I have heard both extensivley in the past. Seems like somebody has an axe to grind. They share the same driver and nothing more... sorry that's the way it is. It seems somebody may be trying to justify their purchase... 
Combak - Bravo
There was a prototype pair I saw on the web awhile back of the sub stand. I don't know if it exists or not.I can't think of any speakers designed to sit against the wall beside the Bravo. 
Combak - Bravo
I heard them awhile back and thought they were simply wonderful. Rich, full and detailed and really easy to listen to. The cabinets are beautiful as well. The designer is really quite good... his cables and tuning feet are second to none in my exp... 
Combak - Bravo
You sound doubtful... 
Combak - Bravo
The driver is souced from Gradient who has it custom made by SEAS. The Bravo has a different crossover and different cabinet neither of which are made by Gradient. The difference in sound between the two is not small.