
Responses from vince293

Will spend $ 2500 for used speakers for upgrade.
Proac Response 2.5's. Trust me, you'll love them! They have a magical midrange reponse combined with outstanding bass and treble. You really can't go wrong with Proac. 
Pat Metheny Group Fans....Speaking of Now on DVD
Pat Metheny is a musician in it's truest sense. If you don't have any, which I doubt, you should check out some of his older cd's. I was introduced to Pat metheny by an older brother about 10 years ago and since then, it's become some of my favori... 
Speakers for NAD C370
I'm using a pair of Ed Frias DIY bookshelves with a tremendous effect. I really enjoy my C370 and think it does best with speakers which are generally brighter sounding. It would depend upon your personal tastes, but the DIY's are uncolored and op...