
Responses from vic803

ProAc , Focal and Vienna acoustic
Paraneer, you are right ,Focal is a bit too sharp and forward on jazz and classical. Viennas and ProAcs both is very smooth , good bass , less coloration . As I auditioning them in different room with different equipments, cannot do AB comparison ... 
Cello audio Palate or Suite still worth buying?
Ramy,How could I contact you.My email 
Cello Pallete/current high end pre
Hi Microstrip, I have the Cello Palette Pre-amp(the cheaper one) with amp- Bryston 7B-ST mono block , speaker- Magneplanar MG 1.6 , Bel Canto cd3t transport, Bel Canto DAC2.5.I have listen to the Audio Research LS 27 at the dealer, it sounds good ... 
Cello audio Palate or Suite still worth buying?
I am using a Cello Pallete pre-amp , its over 20 years old .Compare with current pre-amp like Jeff Rowland Capri , Audio Research LS 17 , LS 27 , is the Pallete still sonic & resolution superior now ? The cello company is closed now , cannot g...