
Responses from vactubes

Top Ten Speakers of All Time?
Snell AIII, Vandersteen 2ce Signature, Alon Model 1, Wilson WATT Puppy, NHT 3.3, B&W 801, Quad esl, Audio Physic Virgo,Sonus Faber Stradivari, Thiel 2.2 
What time do you wear?
I refuse to be held by the constraints of time. I stop doing things when I tire of them and start new things when the fancy strikes. This all to the consternation of my employer. I do however enjoy the craftsmanship involved in very fine watch mak... 
What's your profession? Age?
I'm 25 and an underwriter for a title insurance company. I have quite a modest system at somewhere around $5k retail and much less used. Luckily, I spend what little I can afford to upgrade as much as possible. I'm only a few short weeks away from...