
Responses from under1630

Music Server vs. PC vs. Transport vs. ?
Using the Card Deluxe is not about the outputs, it's about the quality of the sound card itself. It has received numerous accolades from the Audiophile media. These reviews can be easily found on Digital Audios website. That's why your post didn't... 
Music Server vs. PC vs. Transport vs. ?
Sure Ckorody, go ahead and use a generic sound card in your pc. My audio system is too important to me to use a generic sound card. If I were to do this, I might as well use zip cord for my speaker cables. 
Music Server vs. PC vs. Transport vs. ?
You don't need a USB DAC! I have I think what most of you are looking for. I had a PC Alchemy in Carlsbad, CA who builds home theater PC's, build me a home audio PC. Basically it is a PC that sits in your audio rack with the same dimensions as you...