
Responses from tvalentin

Subwoofer w. Passive Line Stage?
Thank you for your help. My dilemna is this: I have an extremely high quality (and expensive) connection straight from CD/SACD through Placette passive potentiometer through to power amp, and I don't want to pollute the signal by passing it throug... 
Two Sunfire Signature's wired together?
O.K., I'll believe you, even though it makes little empirical sense to me. I've been around enough audio circles to believe many of the experiences of good listeners over what seems it should make sense. Any ideas about mixing/matching one Sunfire... 
Two Sunfire Signature's wired together?
Are you kidding? How many watts do you need? !! I'm not sure I see how or why two would be advantageous over one. Then again, I might be ignorant of some advantage I don't know. I have one original sunfire amp, and I can't imagine ever even using ...