

Responses from turnitup1234

Oracle Alexandria turntable
Hi, I just dropped the turntable off to be looked at. Sorry to have posted this. Seems I was rambling. Thanks 
Audiogon's Audiophile Wise men, I need advice
On saturday I purchased the N803, CD 23,kimber cables.have the CD LAD to play with for a whileI have been listening with the Perreaux. If I put on an excellent quality CD, it sounds great. a not great recording sounds not great.the sound overall i... 
buying today,need your thoughts
any thoughts about my 2150B and SM 2I feel they are not the best match for the N803.I have been emailing Martin and Clinton at Perreaux, they recomended the Radiance.I have the Plinius CD LAD to demo, any opinions on this.Thank you for your imput.... 
buying today,need your thoughts
I bought the N803 and Arcam CD 23 on saturday, runing them with the Perreaux, sound great, but not where I want it to be..yet. WHen I turn it up...it is almost there...but not where I want it to go...at least yet!...SO, I will do what was suggeste... 
Audiogon's Audiophile Wise men, I need advice
To be CLEAR:he is BRINGING to my HOUSEB&W N803Arcam CD 23Kimber bifocal 4'Kimber 1011 qty 1I get to hear these thru the Perreaux 2150B and SM 2 I own.I am buying the above for $3,000.He is also offering the Plinius CD LAD for a great price as ...