
Responses from tpcarter

Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?
I've read that a CD transport along with a great DAC will yield better sound reproduction than either vinyl or streaming. That's why I'm sticking with CDs; I can't imagine my system sounding any better!   
PS Audio DirectStream Thoughts?
Thanks very much, Rich! My DAC does not come with the I2S connection, so I'll need to give this some serious thought. Cheers! ~Tom  
Audiolab 9000cdt vs PS Audio Perfect Wave SACD Transport
The way my rack is configured, I can't use a top-loader.  
Audiolab 9000cdt vs Audiolab 6000cdt vs Teac 505t
Thanks so much, audiofilo123. Since you have heard both, can you tell me which has the silkier and more feathery upper register (with soprano singers, for example)? Also, do you agree with some reviewers that the Atoll brings more emotion to the ... 
Audiolab 9000cdt vs Audiolab 6000cdt vs Teac 505t
Thanks, mariddock. I have one of the best. (Amazing the difference cables make!! I've also found that vibration dampeners make a huge difference.) Cheers!  
Audiolab 9000cdt vs Audiolab 6000cdt vs Teac 505t
Thanks so much to both of you for sharing. I've contacted Audiolab to ask for a demo (nice that they offer one!).  I'll post my impressions if the demo comes through, although I might just buy one from Crutchfield and send it back if it doesn't b... 
Dedicated CD Transport vs DAC
I’m using a Vecteur L.4 cd player as transport through a great coax cable into an Audio Note Kit 3.1 DAC that was prebuilt but retubed by me. Recently I purchased an Arcam CD5 transport because of the terrific reviews ("great with vocals" "great ... 
Sweetest sounding 12AU7?
I've tried many different tubes and have settled on two Tungsram 12au7's and one Tungsram 12ax7 (welded). Very sweet, full, accurate sound, with great soundstage and highly accurate timbre. BUT of course the sound is somewhat system-dependent! 
Sweetest sounding 12AU7?
I've tried many different tubes and have settled on two Tungsram 12au7's and one Tungsram 12ax7 (welded). Very sweet, full, accurate sound, with great soundstage and highly accurate timbre. BUT of course the sound is somewhat system-dependent! 
5814 in a 12au7 socket. . .
Thanks, steakster. I imagine that the small number of responses (you alone) would indicate that most people have NOT overloaded their power supply:-). Much appreciated feedback.  
5814 tube for Audiomat Solfege Reference?
Thanks, yogiboy. I have found several sites that state what you have posted, but I found one (very technically detailed) that said there needed to be "parallel filament circuits." I just heard from my tube expert/repair guy who said he thought the... 
Cables more hype than value?
I have a very “clear” system that reveals subtle nuances, whatever they might be. The system itself cost around $25,000, and it took me about three years to piece it together. Which means I auditioned a lot of components, getting the chance to hea... 
Teresonic Clarison
I have the Teresonic digital (RCA). It's so much better than anything else I heard; the full spectrum of sound it allowed in my system was almost miraculous. The bass/lower part of the spectrum was particularly revealed with this interconnect. I H...