
Responses from tjjunk

Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
Great topic.... Like all collectibles, prices go up and down. I enjoy the audio hobby and am always looking for the next buy/sell. Recent... Threshold CAS1 (75wpc) bought $950/sold $500, Threshold FET9 bought $1,200/sold $850, Totam Hawk speaks... 
GROUNDING - assistance on how NOT to shock yourself
Thanks everyone...   really glad I am not alone in having this issue.    
Watts! How many do we need?
FYI there are several Stringrays at a good price here in Audiogon. as well as a great pair of Snappers; if you have a little extra and want 100wpc.  
Watts! How many do we need?
I keep going down in watts. I do have high-efficiency Klipsch Cornwalls. My amp voyage has been.... NAD M23 200 wpc to  Threshold CAS1 75 wpc to Manley Stringray switchable between 20 wpc (triode) or 40 wpc (ultra-linear)    All have sound... 
HELP ... What NEW tubes would you select for a Manley Stingray?
I had the JJ EL84   Ended up going to the source (Manley).  They provided Yugoslavian tubes. Sounds much better than the JJ.  Not exactly a fair comparison as the JJs were becoming difficult to bias.I think they were getting a bit on the old si... 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
I enjoy Klipsch Cornwall.. for more $ Tannoy Canterbury  
HELP ... What NEW tubes would you select for a Manley Stingray?
I do not know   it is the original Stingray (with the sub-out option built-in)  
Threshold FET 9 / CAS1 vs Manley Stingray
Thanks forgot to mention, I also have a Manley Chinook Phono-Pre.   that improved the sound over the FET9 built-in MC pre.   It is also what got me going on the tube amp idea.    
Manley Chinook - setting for Ortofon Quintet Black S
thanks I purchased the Chinook last November and did not play around a lot. In August of this year, I acquired Klipsch Cornwall III's. the two have drastically changed the sound, so much smoother, bigger, and cleaner. As noted, I need to play ... 
would I benefit getting a balanced amp (BAT 55se) - given my pre-amp is RCA output
sounds like i will stick with 'single-ended' for now...   curious, if I were to use an RCA to Balanced cable, would the BAT 55se function as 'singled-ended'?  
Manley Chinook - setting for Ortofon Quintet Black S
awesome  i wll try that   
Honest question about cartridge vs. turntable performance.
I made the exact change...I had the 'MMF 5.1' and changed to the 'VPI Classic 2se' which has a 10.5 tonearm              o moving the Ortofon Quintet Black S MC cartridgeMy opinion is that there was a significant difference in bass response and ge...