
Responses from tiff_needle

Speaker recommendations for JRDG Model 6 + BPS-6
Or Monitor Audio's PL-300? 
Speaker recommendations for JRDG Model 6 + BPS-6
I have to opportunity to get a pair of Jamo 909R at a good price but no chance do trying them on my system as they are in another country.Any thoughts on the 909 and the rest of my gear? 
Speaker recommendations for JRDG Model 6 + BPS-6
Althought I love and had already thought of tannoys they are out of the equation.Extremely low WAF. She has listened them in various occasions and really liked the sound of them but hated its aesthetics.And I tend to agree... It wouldn't blend wit... 
Speaker recommendations for JRDG Model 6 + BPS-6
Unfortunately auditioning the opus ceramic is not an option as they are in another country.Well I could audition them but not with my gear...Funny how the model 6 seamed to be a well reputated amplifier but nobody seams to have any suggestions...I... 
Speaker recommendations for JRDG Model 6 + BPS-6
Rleff,Thank you for your feedback. I'd already saw on another thread that you had that setup.It's been years... and I mean years since I've last heard Soudlabs. They were great!In the meantime I've been considering more options such as Avalon Opus... 
Speaker recommendations for JRDG Model 6 + BPS-6
No one? 
Rowland Model 6 monoblocks - my thoughts
Good idea! 
Rowland Model 6 monoblocks - my thoughts
No news?No opinions?What are you're thoughts on a pair of Sophia 3 or shahinian obelisk? 
Rowland Model 6 monoblocks - my thoughts
Thank you for you feedback.I also have been considering the Saloons and cremona Sonus Faber... but with the saloons, beside the fact that they might be a bit big for my living room, I fear that the M6's don't have enough juice/damping factor to dr... 
Rowland Model 6 monoblocks - my thoughts
Sorry for digging this one but as a new owner of a pair of Model 6's with BPS units, I'd like to know what are your thoughts on speaker recommendation?I'm considering the following:Apogee Duetta Sig refurbed with gaz new ribbonsMaggie 3.7WA SashaW...