
Responses from theresamarie1

DAC suggestion
After a bunch of research on all of the suggestions, I had the opportunity to get a really good deal on a PS Audio DAC and GCPH phono stage. I'll have them later this week..In the meantime my SACD player came back from service with a new laser and... 
DAC suggestion
Thanks guys, I can't wait to see a review of the Rega. I'll look at the Matrix mini-i and VDAC as wellTerri 
DAC suggestion
Thanks again for the clarification. I'll look around. I have to admit my higher end audio bug comes and goes so I'm coming back from a lapse. 
DAC suggestion
I haven't paid much attention to what can/can't be done with bluray, but it doesn't surprise me.On the oppo bdp-95, that's a DVD Player.. or maybe I should say multi-disc player. Surprised you guys on here think it'll be great musically. But given... 
Suggestions on cartridge upgrade
That's a tough question to answer. I do love the sound of vinyl, and i guess i'd like to keep that very sweet sound while getting better articulation/separation and placement of instruments, especially in classical music. My current cartridge is m... 
Suggestions on cartridge upgrade
Thanks Guys, I previously owned a dnyavector 10x4 and didn't care for it as much as the Eroica. How does it stack up with the 20XL and AT?Terri 
Thought I should mention, my local audio store carries 'B&W' not B&K as I said above. But in the price range I was willing to spend, they only had the CM5's and the 683 (?) and some lower models. I though both were a bit bright and with so... 
John, thank you for the suggestion. I travel frequently so maybe I can audition some in early February when I'm in the San Fran Bay Area. That's as long as I can hold off on buying the Dynaudio's. I purchased my SA8260 at San Fran Stereo. You seem...