
Responses from theo714

everything sounded great until the upgrade
the sound of the "new" amp is decent with my turntable, and terrible with my CD player. My guess would be that's because analog is so much better than digital. It may not be your CD player, but your CDs. Or both. When I upgraded my speakers, I... 
Lack of Female Representation
Goodness what a lot of opinions.I am a female audiophile. My reasons are the same as men's -- I love music, and a good system makes it so much more enjoyable and engaging.As for why there are not more female audiophiles -- well, the attitudes expr... 
Women who enjoy quality speakers
I'm a female audiophile and it's a passion I have never shared with a male partner. Actually, I've only had one male partner since 1985 (we're not married nor do we live together, but we're partners), and I "became" (I guess) an audiophile in 1986... 
Audiophile demographics?
It is in the DNA. Men are more inward which allows them to enjoy listening to music which typically is done without much conversation. Women are more outward and enjoy company and conversation which is not conducive to critically listening to a ... 
Audiophile demographics?
@danvignau  -- "Who wants to go to a female's house to listen to girley music?"Seriously? Girly music? What IS that anyway?I guarantee you if you came to my "female" house you could listen to anything from classical to classic rock, some jazz, som... 
Audiophile demographics?
I am a female audiophile.As to why there are so few ... I'm not sure myself, but the simple fact that the field is so heavily dominated by men is one reason, I think. Women are very aware of where they are not welcome, or where they MAY not be wel... 
Looking for new speakers
P.S. For those who suggested speaker cables -- I am going to try upgraded cables just to make sure they are not the problem. They are all that remains of my previous system -- Purist Audio Aqueous from early 90s! Not bad but .... who knows. 
Looking for new speakers
The distortion I'm talking about is not egregious -- it doesn't immediately jump out at you, the way it might it there were serious issues with a driver or something -- in fact, close listening (with ear up to speaker) reveals that there are no dr... 
Looking for new speakers
How does it work? You have to mail them the speakers? (!!!!) 
Looking for new speakers
I really don't think there's a problem with the turntable setup -- the dealer set it up in January when I bought it, and I basically have not touched it. The cartridge is a Koetsu black moving coil. It's so new I doubt it needs replacing or tweaki...