

Responses from thelotusgroup

Let's talk about Silver...
A silver wire will weigh more than a copper wire of the same gauge. Electrons flow more freely in silver than in copper. If you increase the gauge of a copper wire to match the weight of the silver wire they will still behave differently.  
Let's talk about Silver...
Silver is 7% more conductive than copper. As such it does everything better than copper including attracting noise to itself like an antenna. Leaving aside silver plated cables, which have their own unique issues, cables built from silver will hav... 
SW1X dacs
The performance of the SW1X DAC III Balanced will depend on what it is being fed. The designer, Slawa Roschkow, does not consider streaming a suitable source for any serious listening as it is rife with timing errors. Feed it a proper SPDIF signal... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
Not sure I agree that anyone who wants to raise their circumstances can, though some may be able. I think that is a story we like to tell ourselves, but I wholeheartedly agree with your contention, “I guarantee you if you a reader of this forum no... 
SW1X dacs
Hi fsonicsmith,Awaiting your update.Cheers 
Clearaudio Concept Tear Down