
Responses from ted714

Thor websight
If anyone has Thor Audio questions they can contact one of the two owners, Ted Lindblad or Jordan Hill.email ted@highendaudio.comwebsite www.thoraudio.comphone 508-446-7103Thanks;Ted 
Thor Audio 5 year warranty for used product?
Thor Audio is under new ownership. Please see www.highendaudio.com/thor.htm for details. 
Audiopax with Duevel Bella Luna Diamante?
Audiopax build's high quality gear and their amps will work very well with the Diamantes.Ted - Duevel USAwww.highendaudio.com 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Though we have only met through TWL at this past Denver show, reading this thread since that time has restored my faith in the inherent goodness of humankind. I have grown quite cynical regarding audio forums and this is my first post in a long, l...