
Responses from tas236

New TT for ~$1500
OP here. I appreciate everyone's feedback. I went ahead and got an SL-1210GR with a Hana SL. All set for now and very satisfied. Next year I will upgrade my phono preamp from the Phono Box SE II but until then just enjoying the music with my very ... 
New TT for ~$1500
@chakster that was my original plan but I never see them come on the used market! 
New TT for ~$1500
I've pretty much decided against it because I want a hinged dustcover :) 
New TT for ~$1500
Hey all, OP here. I appreciate all of your responses and youve given me a lot to think about. I was initially set on a 1210GR after your responses here and elsewhere. With a Hana SL that is closer to an endgame system for me. Unfortunately, price ... 
New TT for ~$1500
Interesting takes everyone. You guys are starting to make me look more seriously at a Technics. Either they have the best, most subversive marketing department ever (better than even MoFi) or Technics is the real deal. I lean toward the latter. I’... 
New TT for ~$1500
Thanks for the responses everyone. The problem that I have with the Technics is that I (personally) find it to not be attractive, and there is an element of WAF as well. So I would prefer something with the more standard modern appearance a la Reg... 
Streaming Preamp w/ Phono
Thanks for your replies! I like the look of the Sonica, and it has the right features, but it's gotten mixed reviews sound-wise. Is there anything else out there that I should be looking at? I like the Cambridge Azur 851n as well but it lacks the ...