
Responses from tarheeltraveler

Tube vendors.
June 27, 2024.   I just had a very pleasant experience with Brent Jessee Recording re: the purchase of a matched pair of NOS 45 tubes for my Alan Eaton mono blocks.  Brent very clearly states his warranty is 30 days.  I bought the tubes and within... 
Holo Audio May DAC
I’ve had my Holo Audio May KTE for four months.  This is a superb piece of gear.  If it disappeared tomorrow I would replace it without reading a single review of any other DAC on the market.  It is that good.  With absolutely no break-in it was b... 
North Carolina Audio Club
I'm in the Winston-Salem area and would love to get together with other a-philes.  I may have more luck reaching others using the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, but here goes:  tarheeltraveler at the major ISP starting with the letter "g". ... 
Treating Floor in New Construction - Reducing Footfall and Vibration
Stickman:  Sounds like you're all in on this music room.  I'm envious for sure.  And you're getting some great recommendations.  I did a music room in 1994 and used 10 inch fabricated beams on twelve inch center.  Then plywood and wonderboard, and...