
Responses from swimmerone

What would you chose?
Ok, you guys have officially wandered....funny guys, I am laughing, but can we please, please get back to the question at hand, por favor?Which is: You have my systems and someone dear to you asks you what would you upgrade if money was no object?... 
What would you chose?
o no, we're headed down that SHMBO path again...and Davetherave, you can't have her! 
a tube amplifier repair technician
happy father's day ...i called bob backert, on a sunday, on father's day, and he took the time, with patience, to walk me through the diagnostic scenarios of my fisher tube amp problem. it was a simple fix, this time, but i wanted to share his gen... 
Best movies last two years
I agree with Henryhk; if not the greatest/best documentary of all time, it's . I saw 49 up! last week. I took his advice about 10 years ago and watched them from them beginning (7 up). I am glad that Danny (one of the participants) is doing better... 
Best movies last two years
recently watched: Two French films made in 1987. Jean de Florette and Manon of the Spring. A quiet epic made into two movies best watched as a whole - Manon is the sequel. It tells the story of Jean de Florette and his family, is set in Provance, ... 
Denon 103R on a MMF-7
Dan_ed - Great advice. Mounting screws are too fat. I was afraid to squeeze them as they are so fragile, and the toothpick/similiar device is a great idea.Scottz - thanks for the advice. The phone section in the MF is supposed to handle MC cart, a... 
Best movies last two years
Downfall. When I was growing up, everyone and especially Hollywood speculated on, hyperbolized about, and mythologized events surrounding the end of the Reich and in particular Hitler's 'mysterious' death. This movie, which has as one of its sourc... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Last night, I popped in a newly purchased nearly mint LP (Goodwill, .99 on sale for .49). The LP was Beethoven: Konzert fur Violine und Orchester D-dur op. 61'. Christian Ferras violin, and the Berlin Philharmonic with Herbert von Karajan conducti... 
Best Concert Film
I think Tvad and I saw Stop making Sense the same way. David Byrne and his merry crew are joyful, powerful, talented, and at the top of their game in this video. This is a very special event.Diana Krall is a HUGE talent and I wouldn't have known i... 
Conrad johnson amp with Musical Fidelity pre
So, days later, Harbeths repositioned, more broken in, some other tweaks, and gone is the tinniness and fatigue. I'm extremely grateful for my gear today. Yes, I've heard better setups. A pair of Focals with a Krell integrated and CD player as it ... 
Conrad johnson amp with Musical Fidelity pre
This simplest solutions are often of the KISS nature, but alas, the speakers are in phase. It is a valid ? given my aging eyes and laziness as my glasses are often downstairs when I'm upstairs in my audio room working on small parts...Milliwat: - ... 
Conrad johnson amp with Musical Fidelity pre
Thank you all for the input.The dissatisfaction comes from ear strain shortly after sitting down to listen. The sound is thinner than I'd like.Speakers before: Boston Acoustic. Speakers today: Harbeth SHL-5I deliberately kept the speakers out of t... 
Where R U?????
Rye, a small town on NH's beautiful seacoast, pretty near the White Mountains and skiing, great quality of life in the Live Free or Die State... but just a tad bit too e'ffing cold for for this southern boy.