
Responses from swaf

Phase inverting problem
Thanks for the responses.Can I tell? No, actually I don't. But I just want to do it as correct as I can. You never know. i don't want to find out in five years I've been listening to a sound that could have been a lot better.Almarg makes a god poi... 
conrad-johnson system questions
Thanks everyone for your input.The last couple of days I've been researching speaker brands. I've been looking up specs and models of these brands: Thiels, NHT, PSB, Snell, Spendor, Axiom, Paradigm, SVS, Monitor Audio, Dynaudio, Sonus Faber, Meado... 
conrad-johnson system questions
If I say I don't know anything about speakers, I mean I don't know what kinds there are, what brands there are, what classes there are, and what their merits are. In short, I just don't know where to look. Spendor looks nice though. 
conrad-johnson system questions
The problem is - I don't know anything bout speakers. I was hoping that settling on amps would narrow down the choice, because there are so many possibilities.I've read some bad things on c-j power amps - no bass. They recommended Cary Audio Desig...