
Responses from superfund

Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
GFs and wives? My mother was the one who gave me a hard time. When I was 17 I purchased a used Krell KSA-80b with everything that I had saved up from little jobs. She didn't flinch at the cost but she sure was upset about the size of that amp:"My ... 
What was/is the heaviest weight amp you herd/own
Dynaudio Arbiter amps at 306 lbs each. 
Mark Levinson/Revel Support is tops
I have a ML 27 at HSG currently. It sat at my dealer for 2.5 months while my dealer went above and beyond to tell HSG exactly what he thought of their outrageous repair cost of 1000 just to LOOK at it. The good news is that this policy was just re... 
Why are big speakers in small rooms bad?
I'll be sure to post the results once I get everything set up. I plan on spending a good amount of time modeling, tweaking, and measuring the room response. This is my first dedicated room and I'm very curious to see how well very different speake... 
Why are big speakers in small rooms bad?
So what I'm hearing is that driver integration for near field listening and flexability in speaker placement for flat bass response are the 2 most critical issues here setting aside most fixable acoustic space problems.If point source driver integ... 
Mark levinson 360s DAC...???
I assume the 360s is similar to my 36 which stays just as warm in standby as it does during operation.To quote the manual for the 36:"Pressing standby again places the No36 into standby mode, which turns the display off, turns off all outputs, and... 
What's your profession? Age?
I'm 24 with a science degree. Mostly chemistry and environmental science. Audio is almost the worst superfund case I've seen. 13k and counting. 
Silly Question...does a transport have a "sound" ?
In the high end we shell out the green for fewer compromises and/or different compromises. Considering that all designs are compromised in some fashion it's easy to say that transports with different compromises could sound different. I've compare... 
Levinson 27 Vs. Aleph 5 for PSB Goldi
Jvogt, I had considered the heat and think I can manage that end of it. Since I'll be moving to speakers with relatively low bass output I'm not sure that the low end control is going to be as much of a deciding factor for me as the rest of the au... 
Personal amp evolution
1. Kenwood Reciever2. Sonographe SA250 Used3. Mark Levinson No 27 Used 
audio and photography parallels??
I've been shooting digital SLRs for the past couple years. I recently took a b&w film class at Penn State Univ and while I hate the waiting and the tons of extra work and time that go into developing everything myself, I found my film work to ... 
Who R U?
I'm a 20 yr old chemistry major at Penn. State University. I'm an active publishing researcher in analytical electrochemistry at PSU. Besides research, I'm also into the DIY audio biz. (As much as I love Mr. Pass's charity in providing projects, I... 
Do CD-R's sound the same as originals
For years I made CDR backups and copies, and didn't really notice anything different. Now that I have a more revealing system (having been shown the error of my lo-fi ways), the difference is quite aparent. While I'm not going to argue with anyone...