
Responses from supabayes

Spatial M3 Triode Master Preamp/amp choices
I have tried M3TM with various tubes and ss amps and impression with regard to bass:LM219IA - warm sounding but weak bassF7 - musical with average bassXA25 - slight warmer sound with average basskinki studio ex m1 - very good bass but it is cold s... 
Exploring Preamp options for the Pass XA25
I have both HPA1 and LTA MZ3 as preamp to XA25. They are both great choices and there are reviews describing the pair online.  
Digital room correction
Trinnov ST2 Hifi or Amethyst Preamp. Expensive but they work really well. 
The first review on the Linear tube Audio MicroZOTL preamplifier has gone up
Thanks for the great review Terry. I am currently using Pass HPA1 as preamp with XA25 as I am also a headphone user. How would you describe the difference between the HPA1 vs the MicroZOTL preamp?