
Responses from sunujing

What's your favorite boutique speaker maker
Verdant Audio.  I have had the Nightshades for a little more than a month and I like them more every time I listen to them 
Amp to drive Verdant Nightshade 1
@chayro  The speakers were demos from a review.  They are broken in.  @stereo5 t&a looks awesome but seems to be above my budget.  @twoleftears Three boxes is annoying.  Looks like nice equipment, but it's three boxes that it looks like you sh... 
Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe
@steve59 Thanks.  That makes sense now.  It's already starting though.  I have the speakers for a few days and I am wondering what I am missing because of my amp.   Same thing happened years ago when I stepped up from an old pair of Infinitys to t... 
Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe
@mesch Thank you!  Had some from hanging crap for my kids birthday.  Works perfectly@steve59 The guy from Verdant was pitching AVM as amplification.  I am opposed to tubes and want SS but don’t know this brand.  Do you have any thoughts on AVM vs ... 
Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe
Decision made.  Visited Verdant yesterday in Jersey City.  Not ideal as demos are in his apartment and have to be in the morning.  I brought my Rega and listened to several Verdant products, Scansonics and he had a pair of Revel M105s for comparis... 
Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe
@steve59 Since it was local pickup I didn't even look at the images.  That is a big scratch. @ebm I will pass on the 19 hour one way drive for a pair of speakers with a huge scratch in them.  @audiokinesis I am not in love with the look of them.  ... 
Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe
@audiokinesis If it is the speakers that I am seeing at James Romeyn site, they are different in terms of styling.  Which ones are you recommending?  @yogiboy I like the look of the Spendor D7.2s.  They are an option but a bit pricey for my taste.... 
Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe
@mijostyn  I hate the look of the Klipsch.  Not of interest.@mwh777 Good suggestion.  I have always found the bass on the Elys2 to be a bit loose compare to digital.  @dekay Love this suggestion along with that of the cartridge.  Modest prices and... 
Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe
Why do hi-fi companies avoid listing prices anywhere consumers can find them?  This is just stupid.  Half these products are impossible to find pricing unless a US review exists.  Price is a screener.  I don't want to waste my time with products t... 
Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe
@tgrisham I definitely am thinking about smallish floorstanders.  Fair point about recommendations.  Demo's are tough now and I can return something if I don't like it.  @mozartfan Kits?  That sounds like assembly is required.  Not my thing.