
Responses from stxman

Help me spend some $$$$$
Believe me if you were getting hammered for shipping on almost every product that you buy like me you would be sorry too. I can see the beach from my house though,hope that makes you feel better ,oh by the way the forecast for today is Partly clou... 
need advice, am looking at Marantz sr6004 receiver
I to am looking at the Marantz sr6004.Kenny have you had it for a long time? It has all the features that im looking for, my only concern is the "POD" (pop of death) that some owners are reporting.Have you had any problems? Thanks 
Help me spend some $$$$$
Thanks for all the responses. I am in a unique situation,I live in the US Virgin Islands. It has no Audio Shop's/ Stores over here. I am basically going to have to buy equipment based on reputation. Buying used may not work out for me due to the c...