
Responses from stevewetterling

Shunyata Python CX vs Kubala Emotion Power Cords?
If anyone is still reading this, I tried three Python CX's. They were great. But I then borrowed 3 kubala emotions and preferred them. Selling the Pythons and ordered Kubalas. Slightly more inner detail. Little bit less overhang or color. Little b... 
Levinson 390s -- intermittant loud cracking sound
after much cable swapping to isolate the issue, I concluded it is indeed inside the 390 or the XLR connector on the back. returned the unit. thx. 
Levinson 390s -- intermittant loud cracking sound
Montana EPX. Not powered. I did a lot of cable switching tonight to see if the noise jumped to the other channel. I also found two of the fuses on my right BAT VK150 monoblock blown. I'm now trying to figure out if it's an amazing coincidence that... 
Rowland Synergy IIi vs BAT VK51se????
Bit delayed response - sorry - but did end up going with the Bat 150se amps, 51se pre, M-L 39 CD, Montana EPX speakers. Very pleased so far. Am now in the process of trying different cables, as well as room treatments. Amazing to me how very diffe... 
Diffuse Front Wall? Absorb rear wall?
Thank you for the input to all. Variety of opinions and experiences. Subjective hobby. Appreciate the insights. For what it's worth, the last couple nights I've been listening with the rug behind me (apprx 3 ft behind me in a 22ft room -- speakers...