
Responses from stereosavvy

About Sony 9000ES CD/SACD/DVD Player...
Thanks for the response. BTW, I got the player a month ago and I love it! Build quality is superb. SACD is awesome. I'm thinking of getting a DAC for playing Redbook CD's. Any suggestions? 
Triangle Titus 202 + SS amp=???
Aside from tube amps, Triangle's work best with SS amps from Audio Analogue, Cairn, Audio Refinement, and Unison. But, if your SS amp is not known to be "tube-sounding," you can compensate by partnering it with a smooth sounding CDP like a Rega Pl... 
Trojan box sets: dub,reggae,etc......
I have one of these box sets. Although the songs are reggae classics which I love, the sound quality is not good. 
Triangle Titus 202 + SS amp=???
Tony, what is your cd player?