
Responses from stereo_file

Any Forsell DAC owners?
Hi I'm using a Goldmund 36 At&t and find that this is a great combination.Regards, Paul 
Have anyone pics and tech-data for a SU-1 step-up?
I use a Tektronix oscilloscope and sound pressure meter with a calibrated test record to do my study. So I have gather two types of data, actual meter data and audible feedback with my own two ears. It was just amazing the sonic extension that the... 
Have anyone pics and tech-data for a SU-1 step-up?
I recently purchased an Expressive Technology SU-1 for use with my Aesthetix I/O signature phono stage driving a low output Van Den Hul Colibri. I also was lucky enough to have borrower a Verion Mk 1 and a Bent Audio MU TX-103 in silver to do a sh...