

Responses from soundofvoid

Denon PRA S10 preamp & POA S10 monoblocks
Superb for the money (and much more).A warm liquid sound (almost with tubey sweetness)but dynamic and with plenty of power reserve.Used on big speakers that drop below 3 Ohms that needplenty of power to come alive and they never disappointed me.A ... 
Wadia 270/27ix vs. Sonic Frontiers T3/P3
Stick to the Sonic Frontiers gear.Don't get fooled by the 24/96/192,etc,etc wagon.It's other things that matter mostand the T3/P3 combo delivers... 
Greek Audiophile - Documentary Video
How often you meet people:1)that rent their houses and ownexpensive cars? 2)live in a totally messed up environment because they love dogs and cats(with all their money in petfood and vets)3)Their fridge is empty of food but their closets are full... 
Linear Tracking Turntables
My experience is with the LT 5-V.The thinking is right but the execution was mediocre with todays standards.If you have the skills and money and time to go for it,it can rock your world.Change the cable to silver from head to rcathrow away the fle... 
Cary Audio. SLM-100 Against Golden Tube Se-200
You must be kidding.There is no contest.Golden tube of course.One hint:change the EL-34s with KT-88s for an evenbetter sound(dynamics-bass)Leave it as is if you like itmellow.Top match:SEP-3 preamp (i think there is one for sale in Audiogon right ...