
Responses from sonickicks

VPI SSM lacking bite
RaulThanks - the Roksan set-up was sold when the SSM came in, otherwise I'd certainly try it - or at least try mounting the Artemiz on the SSM.Re the Insider - yes, I was always very happy with the cart, but heard mixed reviews of the Goldfinger, ... 
VPI SSM lacking bite
SnsThanks - I have the stock SSM metal spikes around so I'll give those a go, but I'm surprised re what you say on the Cerabases as I always had them down as tightening things up, especially under my speaker stands (PMC IB2s). 
VPI SSM lacking bite
Thanks for the feedback - I'm sure that the Graham will be the right step, so that'll be next, together with the ISOL-8 regenerator. I'll report when it's in and set up.In the meantime - if anyone has run / is running a SSM with Phantom & Orph... 
VPI SSM lacking bite
StanwalThanks for your response - the support that I'm using is a Clearlight RDC rack, which is sitting on Finite Elemente Cerabase's (rather than the RDC cones that ship with the rack). The Roksan was sitting directly on Cerabases, so perhaps I s... 
VPI SSM lacking bite
Sorry, in posting this thread I seem to have lost the beginning part....I have recently bought a VPI SSM with 9 Sig arm, which replaced a ageing but tweaked Roksan Xerxes and Artimez, fitted with a Clearaudio Gold Insider. Just at the point of swi...