

Responses from snfrosten

Grado Blue Stylus perfect with Gold cart?
No the styli are different and sound different, the cantilevers are tapered differently and the diamond stylus has a different shape. The blue will fit in the gold and will sound good and depending on your system may not sound too different. But i... 
Hum from Grado on LP12.. Better carts to consider?
A ground wire will NOT shield the motor and there will be no effect on the hum. Your Linn dealer will look at you funny for a reason, it will not work and maybe even create a ground loop which will make any cartridge you install hum. The only way ... 
Hum from Grado on LP12.. Better carts to consider?
Its not a grounding problem. The motor is not shielded and most MI will hum a bit. The only way to remove this hum is to shield the motor with some type of material like Mu-metal or add a shied on the platter, between the mat and platter, to shiel...