

Responses from skystudios

BAT VK-3000SE owners, what else is in your chain?
I wish the BAT REX DAC wasn’t so outrageously priced, otherwise I'd consider auditioning it. I'm sure it has great synergy with the VK-3000SE. 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Ideal brand / tension weight of fishing line?I hear fluorocarbon brings out the mids, while monofilament has better bass response.Lol. 
Best used integrated for under $5000
I’m looking for a very similar thing to the OP, so this thread has been useful. I’m edging towards the H360 currently.I was also considering the BAT VK-3000SE, Belles Aria, and Yamaha A-S2100. Anyone have more info on those?Carmenc - would you say... 
Tekton Double Impacts vs the competition....
I’ve already asked in the main Tekton DI thread, and there doesn’t seem to be anyone in SoCal with them. I know one guy in NorCal who has some though.