
Responses from skyflyer04

Why a separate DAC?
Your weakest link is your source material. I speak from personal experience. I most frequently listen to spotify through my Sonos, which is similar in sound quality to airplaying itunes music. I hooked my Sonos to an Audio Research DAC8 (pretty hi... 
Which Pre-Amp Pass Labs or Audio Research
I just got the xp10, I like it it's very dry compared to an AR. Personal taste I suppose. If I had the means for a Ref5 I would strongly consider it, it is very very good. 
Does Separates really sound better than Integrated
Having just upgraded from a Pass INT-150 integrated to Pass separates (xp-10 and x250.5) I can say that there was an improvement. While the INT-150 is a very fine integrated there is a noticeable improvement with the pass separates. I notice an im... 
Does Separates really sound better than Integrated
Having just upgraded from a Pass INT-150 integrated to Pass separates (xp-10 and x250.5) I can say that there was an improvement. While the INT-150 is a very fine integrated there is a noticeable improvement with the pass separates. I notice an im... 
Pass Integrated to Pass separates
Onhwy61: I will also be upgrading my source components, this is part of the reason I've chosen to get the less expensive amp. I'm just concerned that I should have gone ahead as planned and waited a few months to upgrade the rest and gotten what I... 
Pass Integrated to Pass separates
I also purchased the xp-10 along with the x250.5 
Pass Integrated to Pass separates
Bo1972: I appreciate what you're saying about the power cord although it's not in my cards to purchase a 4k+ power chord, for the difference in dollars I can pick up XA100.5's as slightly used demo's and use my transparent reference power cords th... 
Pass Integrated to Pass separates
My X250.5 will be here on Friday and I'm already having second thoughts. Everything I read says that the XA's are better at any power rating period. Is there anyone that has an X.5 and prefers it over the XA.5's?I have a demo period so I can alway... 
Rack Recommendations
Thank you all for the feedback.My $1,000 budget is due to both budget and skepticism. I don't want to overspend, I simply am looking for something that gets the job done at a reasonable cost.I suppose if there is a significant improvement to be ha... 
Pass Integrated to Pass separates
I ended up going with the x250.5 and will save a little money for a new source component.I have 4 months to decide if I want to upgrade to the XA's so I can still do that. It still bothers me in the back of my mind that I didn't get the XA's but I... 
Pass Integrated to Pass separates
I completely agree with the Ferrari analogy. I wonder if I might consider an x250 with the xp10? It would leave some funds for a more appropriate source. I can always move to class A later. I don't have an issue with the sound I have now, I just w... 
Pass Integrated to Pass separates
Yes, I have Martin Logan Theos. The room is 9x13 although it is a living room space in an open floor plan. Therefore one side of the room is all glass windows and the other is open to a much larger space (welcome to condo living).I would describe ...