
Responses from shutterman

The Downside to Dedicated Lines vs. the Benefits
Are you feeding the sub panel with 120V only or 120/240V?If 120/240V every other breaker down each side is the same Line, leg.Hmmm...good question. When the electrician scouted the job, he took a quick look at the panel. He said that he would use ... 
The Downside to Dedicated Lines vs. the Benefits
Swampwaker…Thanks for pointing out the wording in that section. It made me think about exaclty how the equipment is loaded in my rack. Each piece is, in fact, not bolted to the rail. However, each piece is pushed up against a custom cut metal face... 
The Downside to Dedicated Lines vs. the Benefits
Thanks for weighing in Jea, as I know from your posts that you've been around the block a time or two with this sort of thing.Unfortunately, I think your opinion lines up with mine and gives me reason to believe that a multiple circuit (dedicated ... 
The Downside to Dedicated Lines vs. the Benefits
"The trick to eliminate ground loops is to run all of the lines powering your equipment to the same phase (leg) of ground in your fuse box. It is also a good idea to isolate all of the "noisy" lines on the other phase from your equipment. Your ele... 
The Downside to Dedicated Lines vs. the Benefits
"The more components you connect in this fashion, the more ground loops you create. For this reason, it is best to use one lare circuit to feed your system rather than several smaller ones. If you use a line conditioner - as you should - buy one t... 
The Downside to Dedicated Lines vs. the Benefits
"I'm not aware of any "downside" to using dedicated lines.I do, however, suggest installing two lines -- not much more trouble really -- and then you can separate components as you wish - i.e: front end/amps, digital/analog, motors/electronics, et... 
The Downside to Dedicated Lines vs. the Benefits
"You may run into a ground loop hum. If you do purchase a isolator. I had hum from a powered subwoofer and the cable tv cable"Thanks...appreciate the link. I knew there were other humbusters out there, but I just didn'...