
Responses from shamanic

Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Well I have already decided to use the same plinth formula for my Garrard 301. My friend has a Thorens TD124 and we will be doing the same with that too. Should be a very interesting shoot out when all are completed.Incidentally has anyone tried s... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Thanks everyone for all the help and advice.It is sometimes hard to picture written instructions. Especially as we are the types who learn best from being shown what to do.Does anyone have pictures of the various stages involved? The epoxy resin i... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
My friend and I are about to embark on our plinths. 24"x"20" using alternate layers of 3/4" mdf and birchply (top layer 1/2") .There are a couple of things we are a bit unsure of. What layers are we bolting the t/t to? Is it just the top layer of ...